Curate a Great Day by Enhancing Your Mood With Smell

Scents That Will Spark Your Energy and Make Your Nose Say “YAAAASS!”

Mandy Murry
3 min readJul 12, 2017
Enhance Your Fragrance Intake with Offero Coffee Mugs and Lexli Skincare Products

The daily grind. Wake up, go to work, workout, eat, attempt to run errands, and somehow find enough time to sleep. Days can become overwhelming, even exhausting with the dings of emails and text message alerts on our smart phones. How can you help relieve daily stress and help enhance your mood? Add wonderful smells to your day.

Our sense of smell is the most sensitive of the senses. It is the first one we form as infants, and studies have shown that smells can in fact change our mood. International Flavors and Fragrances Inc. (IFF) conducted a study that found certain aromas were able to affect mood by eliciting a muscle relaxing effect. Stress has an effect on everyone at some level, and the study revealed scents that have the ability to help reduce daily stress.

How can you calm your mood and curate a good day?

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Meet lavender, a beautiful aroma that calms the nerves, aiding in your relaxation. The key to waking up feeling refreshed is a good night’s sleep, so why not try adding lavender to your dreamtime. Preparing for your day the night before can make all the difference.

When the alarm goes off, start your day with your favorite scent, whether it is your face wash (I use pharmaceutical aloe grade products by Lexli that both smell and feel good), lotion, perfume, morning coffee or tea, take a moment and embrace a good smell that sucks you in. With products designed to give your sense of smell a big hug, you can enjoy your morning time a little bit more.

Take a mid-morning break from what you are doing to enjoy a glass of lemon water or mint tea, or dip a cotton ball with an essential oil to give your brain some instant relief. Research from Ohio State University found that sniffing lemon improved peoples’ moods and raised levels of norepinephrine, a brain chemical linked to executive decision-making and motivation. Lemon also helps boost immunity and improves circulation.

Headed out for lunch? Take time to smell the flowers. Jasmine has been linked to uplifting the spirits and revitalizing the energy. Roses and pine can alleviate stress, and fresh cut grass can make you feel like a kid again. Allow joy to set in. Perhaps fresh flowers at your desk is the way to go?

Photo Courtesy Pixabay

In the afternoon, indulge in some fruit water or scented tea. I have a special mug or glass I drink out of, as it is designed to enhance the fragrance intake (Drink Differently with Offero). At 2 or 3 pm, I always have peppermint tea to give my brain some nourishment to finish out the day. Peppermint has ability to awaken and refresh the mind, aiding in focus and mental clarity.

Headed to the gym? Try using an air purifying bag scented with citrus or vanilla to boost your energy and give you that pre-workout vibe. When you reach into your gym bag or drawer for your gym clothes, a scent may add a smile to your face.

At dinner time, rosemary has been proven to help fight off physical exhaustion. If you have had a long day, sprinkle in some fresh rosemary. It also helps with memory. According to research by Dr. Mark Moss, head of the department of psychology at Northumbria University, inhaling the aroma of rosemary essential oil improved speed and accuracy during demanding mental tasks, and increased memory test scores by more than 10%. Perhaps a little rosemary oil at your desk may not be a bad idea!



Mandy Murry

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